Random Thoughts

I love PBS! If you get a moment (and live in the tri-state area) check out Moyers in America. The episode is Capitol Crimes and it's more than you ever wanted to know about the Tom DeLay + Jack Abramoff scandals.
Airing again on Sunday at 2PM on channel 13.

Rosie O'Donnell scares me... Even during her interview with the lovely but tragic Meg Tilly on (scary music here)... The View. What's up with the name of that show anyway. It's "THE" view? Did you see V for Vendetta?

Should we go to the opera? Check out this link from Daily Candy. I love the idea of opera-for-all and for those of us 21-39 there's even a little club. I'll let you know if mi esposo and I make it.

Damn you expedit! We've been trying for weeks to procure the darn bookshelf to NO AVAIL. I even posted on Craigslist. But how sad are the "Wanted" ads.

Hello leaning desk. Mi esposo and I rallied yesterday + purchased one on Craigslist. Yeah! Thanks Abi for the truck. Thanks Jamie for the desk + also thanks for crating your puppy after he tried to eat my arm, then the buttons off my shirt. Why are puppies so cute and so darn bad? Love them!
Nighty night.
New York today: scale of 1 to 10 (eh...who's counting)
I must say I actually like Rosie. Had to defend her. I saw the interview and if anything it was that other woman interviewing who kept saying to Meg Tilly it was unbelievable. Rosie said it is sad but very believable. OK enough of my 2 cents.
I am so glad you have a different opinion (one of the reasons I love you Aimee). You're right about the other woman.
I am still absolutely frightened by Rosie (did you see her when she was going into the Barbara Streisand concert - yikes)!
OK you are right about that. She is a stalker.
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