Sorry for the hiatus, but I'm back! I've been quite busy (as I'm sure all of you have been as well). So much has happened and it's been good, good, good.
I titled the picture above "Happiness Is" and I'm sure you can see why. I absolutely adore pancakes!! Pancakes for breakfast, dinner, as a snack...yum. These pretty ones were created by the talented Cynthia at
Brown Betty Cafe in Clinton Hill. It's right around the corner from us on Grand Ave. between Fulton St and Lefferts. Anyway, she makes a dozen other delicious meals, but hello pancakes.

Thanks Cynthia for making these for me.
Other things have happened, I've started freelancing a lot more with Martha Stewart and even worked on her fabulous
KB Homes. That's right, Martha is selling homes and I have to tell you, they're really good.

My favorite is the Skylands model.
While in Atlanta, Felicia + I found the perfect taco house.

They even made their own tortillas - her mom ground the corn and made them fresh. So you know I ordered 25 fresh tortillas and a bunch of taquitos for mi esposo and mi cunado and his family. I'm pretty sure this place is in Kennesaw - anyway it was freakin' great!
My best friend moved to Brooklyn, so that's been soooooo great!!! She and her husband and their newest addition (the sweetest little girl) are all here and I couldn't be any happier. At the same time, my other best friend is leaving Brooklyn. She, her husband and their
beautiful baby are heading across the river to NJ. I actually can't wait. They're moving to a quiet town with lots of space and mi esposo and I plan on visiting quite a bit!!
I served on Jury Duty. Right after ATL, Felicia and I served together - which actually made it fun. I was called into a case and forced to serve
as an alternate. Even worse, because you're supposed to listen to EVERYTHING and you may never get to weigh in. Luckily, the first day of the trial the lawyers settled!! Yippee! It was even better because the following day I was entering our
Shoe-In Couture bags into Oprah's QVC contest for "The Next Big Idea."

It was at QVC Headquarters in West Chester, PA. I rented a car (and a GPS - thankfully) and hightailed it down there. I
just made it in time (someone didn't reset the GPS' time to daylight savings and it kept saying I'd get to my destination at 12:00PM. That's 1:00PM after daylight savings! I should've been doing 80mph the whole way.)

There were at least one thousand people in the space during my 1:00PM - 2:00PM interview time.

The interview/pitch was really quick and I learned a lot. I made a connection with my judge (she definitely understood the whole idea of the product and seemed interested). I need to work on my financials and I've got to refine my pitch for men (some of them don't understand the idea). I also met two very nice women who were really cool.
We're (my cousin Nepreil and I) are still moving ahead with the bags. I didn't get chosen to be a finalist - they chose 10 people from the QVC events in LA, Chicago and PA. That's 10 people out of the thousands that applied. After attending the Business Plan Competition with my fantastic financial/business advisor + guru - I definitely see where I can improve my work. Look at these new fabrics I found though:

Aren't they fabulous!
My web store is in development and we're hoping to have everything up and running by the end of May. Modern Travel accessories on www.babas2nddesign.com! Woo-hoo. Right now the url will take you to our beloved Etsy.com shop (I love the Etsy), but soon it'll be our own store. I am so excited!
NY is overcast today, but the sun will set at 7:53PM -
hello summer we're waiting for ya!